Blog 16 – Thanks for the memories

Going back to Baltimore after 7 months in London

Friends and Family month, May, ended with Aj and Aaron flying to Dallas and my flying to Baltimore. Andy stayed in London and was able to meet up with his friend from college, Andrea, after about 35 years.

My main purpose for making this trip was to accept the award of Professor Emeritus from my college of twenty-three years, Baltimore City Community College. I remain humbled, honored, and gratified that my years of work have been recognized in this manner. Not to brag too much, but this is the highest award a faculty member can earn. A proposal package is generated by an existing faculty member, in my case Dr. Karen Shallenberger, who must then locate written support for the nomination. The proposal is then approved by a vote of all faculty, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the College President, and finally the Board of Trustees.  Again, in my case, they all said ‘yes’.

And, I could go shopping; with a car. New black jeans from Macy’s, new tops from Boscovs and new undies from Kohls. Combined with a couple trips to Target for personal items and a chance to just wander their aisles, the shopping was great fun. In-between graduation and shopping, I was lucky enough to visit many dear friends while I essentially went from meal-to-meal. I’m over the crab cake cravings now! It was great to know my way around and to see the friendly faces. The trip was a wonderful treat for me, and I thank Dr. Shallenberger for making it happen.