Sharing some of the experiences encountered moving to and living in London … and then moving to Amsterdam! And then, moving to Austin, Texas where Adventure Cow has taken over this blog!
Blog – 34; Pandemic Pictures, from within 5 miles of our home in Chiswick, West London.
Yes, the tide may rise on the River Thames (it has a 20 ft variance), but you should only be out for your daily exercise.
Entrance to our closest underground station. The green ball says: “Essential Workers, you can travel. Thank you”, the red ball says: “Everybody else, go home, don’t travel, saves lives”
This neighborhood bus stop is now a Quarantine Gallery
These are the lockdown park rules and they have shrinkwrapped the playground equipment to make sure you understand.
How Londoners knew the lockdown was serious; KFC was only take-out on March 23rd and by March 25 they had closed all KFC’s in the UK
This is not quite a ‘pair’, but I liked both; the park parking lot being closed for the Easter weekend and a cemetery bearing the “Stay Home, Save Lives” slogan.