Blog 54 – All our pictures look the same,

Since moving to Amsterdam

The canals of Amsterdam are the defining feature. The water, the bridges, the trees, the houses. They are a marvel of engineering, especially when you consider most of the central canal district was built in the 1600’s. Amsterdam is literally a hundred swampy islands connected by hundreds of cobblestone bridges.

It has been eight months, already! Yet, we continue to be amazed by the beauty of the canals and their interplay with nature. We highly recommend the Netherlands as a ‘bucket list’ destination; while we try almost daily to capture the incredible sights of the city – they do not measure up to seeing the real thing. The following is a sampling of our canal pictures taken over the past eight months.  They are not exactly the same and it was some fun for me to sort through all our pictures to find our best of Amsterdam’s canals. (FYI, photos are not ‘retouched’.  If they appear black and white, that is because some days here also appear black and white. They are roughly in latest to earliest order)

4 thoughts on “Blog 54 – All our pictures look the same,”

    1. Thanks, Danny.

      I took most of the day shots, Andy most of the night shots and we both did sunsets. 🙂

  1. Hi,
    Scenes and photos are beautiful. They look like professional postcards. A new career venture for you.

    Thanks and much love.

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