Blog 56 – Is it spring yet?

For the first time in many years, it has snowed in the Netherlands; so exciting.

Andy is happy in the snow
The trees are happy in the snow
The canals are happy in the snow

Then, it stayed very cold for several days in a row. Boat access to the canals was closed. The locks that let in ocean water were closed. Everyone was to do their part to let the canals freeze over, and they did. Such joy! Ice skating on the frozen canals. Even though we don’t have skates, it was still something to be a part of.

After freezing the canals for a week, the skaters are happy too!

And now, it is ever so slowly warming back up. Time to put the heaviest of our winter coats away. We are done with winter. We had the snow, the ice, the cold; the skating, the hot wine, the laughing. Now it is time to warm up and let the flowers come out.

Is it spring yet?

5 thoughts on “Blog 56 – Is it spring yet?”

  1. Thank you for the winter photos, Linda! I loved the book, Hans Brinker, as a child. I’m sure you have already made plans to visit Keukenhof in the spring. It was one of our favorite places when were in the Netherlands in 1980. One day we will get back there.

    1. Hey Liz,

      Yes, we are hoping to visit Keukenhof again this year. Their website ( still says they will open March 20; but Netherlands remains in a hard lockdown, so it is yet to be seen if our tickets for April will still be good. 🙂 And you should know I have spent quite some time researching the life of the fictional boy Hans Brinker. There is a house not far from here that is tagged with a Rijksmonument plaque stating it is the birthplace of Hans Brinker – but, I can find nothing online that indicates where this tag came from. Since he is fictional, I thought it might tie back to an author, no, she was American, or another skater, something like that – no luck yet. Quite fun, but also somewhat annoying. 🙂 Stay safe, L

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