Pictures from our travels:

May is Friends and Family Month

Tom and Liz Comstock dropped by on their way to Croatia
Wendy Shiff dropped by while meeting her daughter in London. We met at the Memorial to Emmeline Pankhurst; the original Suffragette

Brighton Beach Memories, May 2019
Blog 13

The pebble beach of Brighton, UK – Brighton Pier in background

A trip to York, April, 2019
Blog 12 – We will never see it all

Here we are on the ancient wall of the city of York

A trip to the Netherlands, April 2019:
Blog 11 – Mokum

Hello from Van Gogh’s Room at the MOCA , Amsterdam

Pictures from Bath, England, March 2019

Under the tree in Victoria Park, Bath England

Pictures from Barcelona, March 2019

Here we are – In Barcelona, March 2019

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