I did!
We found a very quiet spot in Fredericksburg, Texas – please note that we did not disturb the residents, we stayed on the roadway.

I tried to see better from the tripod, but it didn’t help

I had a nice spot with the rest of the family. The camper chair has an AC holder – who would have thought.
Just look at the amazing pictures that Andy took:
Note that if you follow Andy on FaceBook, these are the same pictures posted there.

Here we go, the eclipse is starting!

It started to get dark, cold, and windy.

Look! It’s Baily’s Beads! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baily%27s_beads

Four and a half minutes goes by quickly when you are trying to take in something so rare and exciting.

While we (and everyone else in the path of the totality) were still cheering, the sky started to lighten, and clouds began to completely cover Fredericksburg.
They say that once you’ve seen one total eclipse, you will want to see another. The next one over the US won’t be until 2044, that’s a long time in AC years; but I think I heard Linda and Andy saying something about Spain. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2024/04/09/next-total-solar-eclipse/
Happy trails, ya’ll
Thanks for the pictures and AC adventures. Just as we were scheduled to see a partial, it began to rain.
Thanks Pally,
Maybe next time will be good.