On the road again; Colorado

Like Canada, Colorado is also home to the Rocky Mountains. There are trails to explore, waterfalls to hunt, and lovely cool evenings to enjoy being outside. Unlike Canada, it is close enough to Austin to make it a road trip. Away we go.

Adventure Cow is ready.

If I’m in the car, they can’t leave without me
Our first stop: Lubbock, Texas. Home to Buddy Holly and The Crickets. Visiting the museum includes a tour of the house next door. It is Buddy’s friend’s parents house that has been preserved and relocated to this site. The people said the house is a time capsule of the early 1950’s. This is where “That will be the day” and “Peggy Sue”, in addition to many other songs, were written. Click link to go to the Buddy Holly Center. https://ci.lubbock.tx.us/departments/buddy-holly-center

Down the road from Lubbock is the Capulin Volcano National Monument. Here Adventure Cow is looking up from a pile of cinders at the bottom of the crater. Click this link to go to the Volcano’s website. https://www.nps.gov/cavo/index.htm

AC (Adventure Cow) makes it to the top of the Volcano
From here he can see for miles and miles. What he sees is the Santa Fe Trail. Click this link for more information on the Santa Fe Trail. https://www.nps.gov/safe/index.htm
As we anticipated going through Amarillo (again, we drove through here in May; it is where AC joined in with us) we learned that the home double A baseball team (affiliate: Arizona Diamondbacks) was having a bobble-head giveaway. We were among the fans who received the Ruckus Sod Poodle mascot bobble-head.
Two links follow: 1st, what is a Sod Poodle?
and 2nd the Sod Poodles website.
Just south of Amarillo is the Panhandle-Plains Museum. Since the Dustbowl of the 1930’s did reach this far south, Linda, who is still thinking about what we saw at the Woody Guthrie Center in Tulsa (https://woodyguthriecenter.org/), thought the museum would be about that – it is not. It covers geology, archeology and sociology of this area. We really could have spent quite a bit of time there. We never made it to the second floor. Adventure Cows are not allowed to pose with the oil derrick, the dinosaurs, the fossils, or the salvaged, restored, and recreated Pioneer Town. He did sneak into this vintage child’s car when no one was watching. https://www.panhandleplains.org/
After our couple days of driving, we reach our destination; Green Mountain Falls, Colorado. The area is slightly west of Colorado Springs. We can go waterfall hunting again. Click this website to learn about this hike. https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/colorado/green-mountain-falls-crystal-falls-trail
From Crystal Falls we went over the Thomas Trail. Adventure Cow leads the way.
Click the link for more information: https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/colorado/thomas-trail
Adventure Cow found another waterfall on the Thomas Trail.
We then went down the trail to this end’s trail head. From here, it is down Hondo Avenue back to the town center. This trail requires big steps. AC is glad to hike in a backpack.
Click this link for more information on the town: https://greenmountainfalls.colorado.gov/
A few days later, we went in the car to Denver where Aj and Aaron had been spending a few days. We brought them back with us to Green Mountain Falls.
On our way back to Green Mountain Falls we got to look at the social areas Aj designed for an apartment building in Castle Rock. (The Venue at the Promenade) It is hard to take a picture of a small Adventure Cow in a large recreation area – but we tried. AC is on the double-sided fireplace separating activity areas.
More adventure! With Aj and Aaron we all went up the Cog Railway to the top of Pikes Peak. The train is slow – it takes an hour and 10 minutes to get to the top, but the view out the window is great. Click this link for more information about the Cog Railway. https://www.cograilway.com/?utm_source=google-gbp&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gbp

This is Adventure Cow’s view from the top of Pikes Peak. Click this link for more information about Pikes Peak. https://www.pikes-peak.com/attractions/pikes-peak-americas-mountain/?gclid=CjwKCAjw3qGYBhBSEiwAcnTRLgGHhGvgvGC0sPrZLyTC6KRnqKQe0EuJgvI05ih6_zsgk3enKHfpwhoCe-AQAvD_BwE
To celebrate Aj’s birthday, we did two days worth of hikes in The Garden of the Gods. This is very easy hiking and the views are amazing. Click this link for more information about The Garden of the Gods. https://gardenofgods.com/ FYI: We did the Geo-Trekker movie – it is not too much of an adventure.
One day we went to downtown Colorado Springs. They have lined their sidewalks with large baskets of flowers, each containing small sculptures sponsored by local artists/companies. These were great places for AC to play. Learn more about downtown Colorado Springs by clicking here: https://downtowncs.com/

Oops, Adventure Cow fell in the flowers. He did not hurt them.
One morning we all had breakfast at The Pantry. This local restaurant is over 60 years old. They let Adventure Cow, and kids, play on the truck while they wait for a table. Click this link for more information about The Pantry: http://www.thepantryingreenmtnfallsco.com/
The Pantry also has a Little Free Library. Perfect size for hiding Adventure Cows.
Adventure Cow climbed the ledge outside the Garden of the Gods Visitor Center
This was our second day at the park. AC loves looking at the stone shapes.
AC is on the job, ready to push the Balanced Rock if needed. For more information about this formation, click this link: https://www.uncovercolorado.com/balanced-rock-garden-of-the-gods/

Adventure Cow could not do all the things that people can do in Colorado; he did not get to play at the US Olympic & Paralympic Museum (https://usopm.org/) . He had to stay in the backpack while we all went to the Turrell’s Skyspace (https://greenboxarts.org/) . Nor did he like outlet shopping in Castle Rock, or having drinks at The Tavern in Green Mountain Falls – but we did.

AC is back on the shelf for now, but his rest is not going to last long; September is travel month. Whooo! Hooo! More Adventure Cow stories to follow!

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