AC is on the run this summer

He found a train in Porthmadog, Wales

And then the engineer let AC drive it – Welch Highland Heritage Railways
Even being put in the stocks at Cardiff Castle did not end his journey.
Here, he waits his turn to climb to the top of Cardiff Castle.
Yum, yum; grass to snack on while we wait.

AC found lots of other castles as he journeyed around Wales:

The Abergavenny Castle said you could not climb on it – AC, just hid in the fencing.
At Crickhowell Castle he played on the wall and found flowers growing next to it.
In fact, he found a whole rose garden next to the Crickhowell Castle.

He didn’t just find castles and flowers on his adventure, he also found lots of water and waterfalls.

AC is at the base of the Pwll y Wrach Nature Preserve’s waterfall. He helped Andy take about 100 pictures of this area – it is beautiful and solitary. There are no other people in this picture because there were no other people.
Along the rocky path of Beddelgert Gorge
AC takes a good look at the river before climbing higher up the mountain.
Time to take a well-earned break as AC has just finished walking over a mile on the Black Rock Sands Beach. Note it is the rock, which is not visible in this picture, that is black, not the sand. But, the sand is so firm on this beach that you can drive your car to your favorite spot.
While resting, again, AC takes in the view of the Pontsarn Viaduct as we make our way from Crickhowell to Brecon along the canal path.
He found another viaduct in Llanberis.
This bridge is almost hobbit-like; beautifully crafted of bent wood, granite slabs, and old train rails. If you take the walk around Lake Padarn in Llanberis, you too can play on this bridge.

You know AC loves a good hike. He had lots of them in Wales while we completed two Inn-2-inn walks; one in Brecon Beacons and one in Snowdonia.

He makes his way through many obstacles
It appears he even needed hiking sticks to make his way down the Table Top Mountain.
A surprisingly rocky top for a Table Top Mountain.
Another day he made it all the way to the top of Pen y Fan, the second tallest mountain in Wales.
We made it to the top too.
You don’t see something like this on most walks. This Royal Mail box was Yarn Bombed with the cutest nautical scene. AC had to join in.
AC did not want to hike to the top of the highest peak in Wales, Mt. Snowden, so he took a cog train (which only went 3/4 of the way up – he did not see the top of the mountain) where he met some very friendly folks.

AC is still on the run. He has a few more hikes to complete and a few places in London he would like to see.

More next time. Cheers!